Come in and shop our collection of home goods – kitchen gadgets, barware, vases, jewelry, window decor, signs, pet accessories, and so much more!
Get it at BloomHouse.
We are constantly adding new inventory and always spotlighting our local community vendors – check them out below!


Handmade with Love Creations
Hello! I'm Nikki Nowak, owner of Handmade with Love Creations. I began my business making handmade items – like baby blankets and various crocheted pieces – items that take a lot of time and love to create. I have since expanded to include additional self care/pampering products and now offer: soy and wooden wick candles, melts, bubble baths, body lotions, wash, creams, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, and soaps...all with hopes to add more! I'm honored Zak and Cody asked me to be a part of the store, there's nothing better than supporting small businesses. Zak and Cody are fun business owners; I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

Countryside Kids
A little about me-my name is Jesica. I grew up in Cheboygan, MI but after meeting Joshua in 2013, I moved to the little town of Pound, WI.
We married in 2014 and have four beautiful children-Esther, Haddie, Theodore & Elias and one on the way! They’re my inspiration for opening up Countryside Kids!
Kids grow and go through clothes so quickly, I want to be able to give parents a local option to buy the same great clothing pieces, but at a more affordable price. All available clothing is posted to the business facebook page or available to shop in person at BloomHouse23 in Coleman during business hours and at select vendor shows and events.

Time on a Dime
Hey there! My name is Brynna Schindel and I am the owner of Time on a Dime. I started my business after a day of shopping with one of my close friends. I was picking out fabric for dog bandannas and she mentioned that I should sell them! From there, I added headbands, earrings, necklaces and my infamous keychains! The name of my business came from me working 10 hour days. With going to college and balancing two jobs – I learned just how hard time is to manage. Time is SO important and it's not only a valuable part of my personal life, but also the work I put into each of my beautiful, yet affordable pieces.

Beam in the Old Blue Barn
Hi I’m Michaela Zeitler! Born and raised on a fourth generation dairy farm in Coleman WI, I often wondered why our barn was blue and not red like all the others. When I asked…the reply was “because it’s different!” I have spent endless hours stacking hay and straw bales, or just playing with my brother and sister. The beams not only hold the barn together but hold memories that will last a lifetime. My business – unique, customized jewelry – has helped me further my education in dairy science at Northeast Technical College in Green Bay, WI. Check out my jewelry inside of BloomHouse23 and take some home today!

Katie’s Kreations
Hey everyone! My name is Katie Brown, owner/designer of Katie’s Kreations. I’ve always loved crafting and as a stay at home mom of my two beautiful children, I started to branch out with my creativity! I started out by making tumblers as gifts for family and recently added customize flannels, shirts and hats! I’m so happy to be able to showcase my business inside BloomHouse23 because this is a great way for me to reach more people in the community and offer customized pieces they didn't even know they were searching for!

Barnyard to Bonfire Flannels
Hi everyone, I'm Tricia Zeitler! I’ve been a farm girl my whole life, married a farmer, raised my kids on a farm and now my grandkids are enjoying the beauty of farm life! It took only minutes to think of a name for my unique flannels – Barnyard to Bonfire Flannels – because my family loves to wear flannels in our barnyard, around an evening bonfire and EVERYWHERE in between, so I simply put a fun twist on them and now sell them at BloomHouse23! Stop in and try one on, I have no doubt you'll find something unique to take home or gift to a special someone!